On the anniversary of his sad passing, Ray Jenkins did this for his dad, with a bit of help from Phil Faulkner and me Video …

Martin Jenkins – Sweet Mother Earth (with help from the boys)
7 responses to “Martin Jenkins – Sweet Mother Earth (with help from the boys)”
So great! And a lovely video.
Huge thanks for putting this on line for us to discover (eventually). I was seriously ill 2011-2012 and missed the passing of a couple of my heros (nearly joined them in fact). Me and my school friends were massive fans of Dando Shaft and used to follow their concerts all over the north like we followed Pentangle. Truly original writer, totally unique voice and instrument player. Mesmerising to watch. Cold Wind and End of the Game eventually became part of my own repertoire. A fellow acoustic player went out and bought the full back catalogue on the strength of my somewhat lame renditions. Went to see Jaqui McShee a little while ago and gratified to see Kev Dempsey a part of her band. Kept seeing Dave Cooper's name as producer as assumed it was the same, but forever wondering where Polly Bolton ended up – nearest I got was a mention she might have been running a garden centre somewhere. Either way the most underrated band ever to exist and under different circumstances Martin should have been up there with the likes of Richard Thompson in terms of global respect for the sheer musicality of the man. Nice to know he might have passed some of his genes and experise on. Thanks again.
Check out the new site http://www.dandoshaft.com
Call and return lead was a serious feature. Great tune guys
Great stuff. A genre I love.
Just amazing song!!!
Beautiful tune and truly heartfelt performance, Ray and Ray.
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